PEAK and ELITE case competitions promote experiential learning

Aug 25, 2022

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The PEAK and ELITE 2022 winning teams

Top (left to right): Suki Leung, Ashley Dang, & Brian Miki of ABBS Consulting.
Bottom (left to right): Mary Xie, Helen Su, Sarah Lin & Chenlei Zhang of CHarMS Consulting

This summer, students from SFU’s Beedie School of Business applied their skills and knowledge to real-world business problems at the annual PEAK and ELITE case competitions.

The PEAK and ELITE case competitions are internally organized and designed to introduce students to the case competition experience. These competitions challenge students with real world business problems that they must solve within a limited time and present an opportunity to learn and strengthen their analytical, problem solving and presentation skills through experiential learning.

The PEAK case competition is designed for junior students with little to no experience with case competitions, while the ELITE case competition is for senior students who have previously represented SFU at a faculty-sponsored case competition.

In each competition, competing teams had 10 days to deliberate and prepare before they showcased their preliminary presentations to a panel of industry judges, who provided constructive feedback. A number of teams from each competition moved on to the finals, where the judges selected the top three PEAK and ELITE teams.

The winning team in the PEAK case competition was ABBS Consulting. The members of the winning team were Ashley Dang, Brian Miki, Bryan Li and Suki Leung.

The ELITE case competition’s winning team was CHarMS Consulting, whose team members are Sarah Lin, Helen Su, Mary Xie, and Chenlei Zhang.

Reflecting on their experiences, a common theme among the team members is the importance of teamwork and working together towards a collective goal. “We found out quickly that it was more effective to have all members on the same page about all aspects of the case and recommendations rather than having individual members accelerate and work alone on specific tasks,” says Bryan Li of ABBS Consulting. “We had a good balance of specializations on our team and were able to dive deeper into ideas and recommendations thanks to our team’s diverse skills.”


PEAK 2022 Case Competition

  • 1st place: ABBS Consulting (Ashley Dang, Brian Miki, Bryan Li and Suki Leung)
  • 2nd place: AD ASTRA (Abdelrahman Shehata, Michael Smart, Rishav Ghosh, Zawad Muhammad Zihan)
  • 3rd place: Maple Leaf’s (Bridget Keenan, Devon Braun-Santos, Ishpreet Kaur)

ELITE 2022 Case Competition

  • 1st place: CHarMS Consulting (Sarah Lin, Helen Su, Mary Xie, Chenlei Zhang)
  • 2nd place: Revitalized Consulting (Ivy Lu, Johnson Ngo, Selena Situ, Julie Vu)
  • 3rd place: Atlas Consulting (Brandon Ly, Chase Landa, Amber Sun)

For more information on case competitions at SFU’s Beedie School of Business, please visit the undergraduate competitions page.