
Virtual advertising profitable if done properly: SFU Business study

Aug 16, 2010

It’s possible to run a profitable business in Second Life, a 3-D virtual world where users can socialize with each other through avatars. That’s the conclusion of a Simon Fraser University case study. SFU business professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent, and PhD students Anjali Bal (SFU Business) and Wade Halvorson (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) have won an award from the Academy of Marketing for their investigation of Second Life’s business and marketing practices. more »


SFU Business researchers’ investigation of Second Life wins international marketing award

Aug 3, 2010

An in-depth investigation of business and marketing practices on Second Life by researchers from Simon Fraser University has won a prestigious award from the Academy of Marketing. SFU Business professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent and PhD students Anjali Bal (SFU Business) and Wade Halvorson (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) have won the Pearson Education Prize for best case study paper at the July 2010 Academy of Marketing Conference in Coventry, England. The conference is more »


University Research Parks and Incubators: The Rio Experience

Jul 13, 2010

The U.S. State Dept and the Fulbright Program have awarded Ian P. McCarthy, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Technology & Operations Management, a grant to study university research parks, incubators, and the associated technology transfer programs run by the Genesis Institute, BIO-RIO and the Technology Park of Rio de Janeiro.


David Thomas appointed to Area Editorship with Journal of International Business Studies

Jul 8, 2010

David C. Thomas, Professor of International Management at SFU Business, has been appointed as Area Editor for Cross-Cultural Management with the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS). JIBS is the world’s top-rated journal in the field of international business, and consistently ranks highly in the Financial Times’ list of top 40 business journals. Thomas’ editorial term commenced on July 1, and will last for three and a half years. His Cross-Cultural Management area scope will more »


Paper co-authored by David C. Thomas and Mila Lazarova named 2010 Carolyn Dexter Award winner

Jul 5, 2010

The Academy of Management recently announced that a paper co-authored by SFU Business professors David C. Thomas and Mila Lazarova has been selected as the Carolyn Dexter Award Winner for 2010. The Carolyn Dexter Award is an all-Academy award given to the paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing the Academy as defined by the International Theme Committee. Their paper, “Scientific Mindfulness: A Foundation for Future Themes in International Business,” proposes scientific mindfulness as more »


World Cup ambush marketing research by professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent profiled in Globe and Mail

Jun 17, 2010

Dutch mini-skirt marketers 1, South African police 0 Simon Houpt, Globe and Mail  June 17, 2010 n a popular ad for ESPN’s coverage of this year’s World Cup, the U2 front man Bono declares the tournament is, “not about communism, socialism, or capitalism.” But a savvy marketing stunt unfolding this week in Johannesburg illustrates how the World Cup is as much about the contemporary mechanics of capitalism – a tasty brew of big money, sex, more »


Study Tracks Role of Wealth in NHL Innovation

Jun 2, 2010

T’is the season of assessment for most National Hockey League teams now that only two are vying for the Stanley Cup, but a new study finds that spending more money on innovation may not be the best improvement strategy. “Wealth can play a role but there is no conclusive evidence that it is the prime driver of innovation,” says SFU business professor Peter Tingling, co-author of Feast or Famine: Does Wealth Help or Hinder Innovation more »


Business Ethics Pioneer Honoured

May 25, 2010

From SFU News Online. While most people tend to shy away from ethical dilemmas, Mark Wexler has spent 30 years seeking them out. The Segal Graduate School of Business professor pioneered teaching ethics at SFU in one of Canada’s first MBA ethics programs. That, and a lifetime commitment to applying scholarly work to practical problems and engaging the public in dialogue about ethics earned him the Paz Buttedahl Career Achievement Award in April from the more »


SSHRC and NSERC Grants Awarded to SFU Business Faculty

May 25, 2010

Congratulations to the following members of the SFU Business Faculty on their successful grant applications. NSERC Discovery Grant: Andrew Gemino (User-centred Design of Requirements Engineering Techniques) SSHRC Standard Research Grants: Evan Gatev (The Impact of Pension Fund Governance on Investment Performance and Risk Management) Eric Gedajlovic (The Effects of Top-Management Social Capital on Corporate Entrepreneurship and Internationalization in Developing Economies) Nilesh Saraf (Firm-Performance Impacts of IT Implementation and IT Capabilities) David C. Thomas (Bi-cultural Individuals more »


First Nations and Business Leaders Trade Places to Undo Stereotypes and Discover Common Ground

May 25, 2010

Working with the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business (ICAB), SFU’s Learning Strategies Group helped to put together a leadership exchange where four B.C. CEOs and four First Nations chiefs were paired up, and each leader spent a few days at his or her partner’s workplace. To read the complete article, click here.
