
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings awarded for Dave Hannah and PhD candidate Kirsten Pankratz

Sep 11, 2009

Dr. David R. Hannah and PhD candidate Kirsten Pankratz have co-authored a paper titled “An Empirical Examination of Employee Responses to Confidential Information Rules” that was accepted for the 2009 Academy of Management meeting. The paper has been judged by AOM reviewers as one of the best papers accepted and the Academy have awarded it the honour of being published as part of the Best Paper Proceedings for the 2009 conference.


David C. Thomas talks about Cultural Intelligence on

Sep 4, 2009

David C. Thomas, prof of international management and director of the new SFU Centre for Global Workforce Strategy, was on He talked about how in a global economy the ability to interact across cultures is a fundamental job requirement for just about everyone. David describes a universal set of techniques and people skills that helps you to adapt quickly to and thrive in any cultural environment. He also addresses the interplay of race and more »


Organizational Theory and Teamwork in the Classroom

Jun 2, 2009

In 1938, John Dewey, the influential philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer wrote that “All genuine education comes through experience.” Along with many other business educators I take his words very seriously, so much so that I designed a course on Organization Theory that simulates the experience of real organizations for undergraduate business students. The basic structure of the class is as follows. Before they arrive in class on the first day, every student is assigned more »


The Elevator Exercise

Jun 2, 2009

A common problem among beginning research students is the inability to state their research question succinctly. The answer to the question of, “What is your research about?” often takes a torturous route through ontological assumptions, alternative epistemologies, tangential literature reviews and arcane research methods rarely actually getting to the point. A strategy to help students in this regard is to impose time restrictions on their response. I have seen this take a number of forms, more »


Blaize Reich Delivers Keynote at the 2nd Annual Vancouver, BC CIO Executive Summit

May 13, 2009

RBC Professor of Technology and Innovation, Blaize Reich, delivered the luncheon keynote speaker at the CIO Executive Summit in Vancouver, BC. This was the 2nd annual Vancouver production of the North American series of summit conferences that support the needs of Chief Information Officers from the region’s largest organizations. The goal of each conference is to provide a dynamic and relevant peer-to-peer exchange that facilitates best practices in enterprise technology management. Reich spoke to about more »


Gervase Bushe paper on Revisioning Organizational Development accepted for publication

Apr 28, 2009

Gervase R. Bushe and co-authour Robert J. Marshak of American University, Washington DC, have had their paper “Revisioning Organization Development: Diagnostic and Dialogic Premises and Patterns of Practice” accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. In this provocative paper, they argue that organization development (OD) has undergone a shift in practice that is under-recognized by academics and practitioners, and develop an outline for a new theory and practice of “Dialogic OD”. Richard more »


Intuition isn’t a Substitute for Evidence-based Decision Making

Apr 28, 2009

The idea that good managers routinely gather and analyze information before making decisions is generally accepted as self-evident. Indeed, evidence-based decision making is so much in vogue that books such as Competing on Analytics and Supercrunchers top the list of business bestsellers. One would be hard pressed today to find a manager who does not advocate this approach.


Aidan Vining Publishes on Cost-Benefit Analysis in Social Policy

Apr 22, 2009

“Provides an authoritative guide to evidence-based social policy by some of the leading scholars in the field. For anyone who wants to know what works, what’s worthwhile, and what research would have the greatest payoff, this book has benefits far exceeding the cost.”—Philip Cook, ITT/Sanford Professor of Public Policy, Duke University


Six SFU Business Researchers Awarded SSHRC Standard Research Grants

Apr 17, 2009

Congratulations to six SFU Business faculty members, four of whom are new scholars, in their successful Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant applications. These are results for the Fall 2008 competition which funds three-year research projects and will be awarded in the Spring of 2009.


Stephanie Bertels Named as Co-investigator on Regulatory Compliance Study

Apr 16, 2009

SFU Business assistant professor Stephanie Bertels has been named as a co-investigator in an 18-month study on regulatory compliance. As part of an experiment in creative sentencing, Suncor is funding an investigation into the antecedents of regulatory compliance and the creative sentencing process. The research study will housed at the International Resource Industries and Sustainability Centre (IRIS) at the University of Calgary and directed by Prof. Frances Bowen.
