
David Hannah Paper on Confidentiality Selected for 2009 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings

Apr 14, 2009

Dr. David Hannah and PhD candidate Kirsten Pankratz have co-authored a paper that will be presented at the 2009 Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago, IL. The paper “Why Follow the Rules? An Empirical Examination of Employee Responses to Confidential Information Rules” has also been selected for publication in the Best Paper Proceedings for the 2009 meeting.


The G20 and Global Approaches to the Regulation of Finance: Zeitgeist for the Times or Just Apparition of the Moment

Apr 9, 2009

By Robert Adamson, Executive Director, CIBC Centre for Corporate Governance and Risk Management, Segal Graduate Business School, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver CANADA April 1, 2009 The winds of change are blowing in London as the G20 prepares to meet. Unfortunately no one knows when the winds will stop and who will be swept away. There are many views, however, on how and where to take cover. Many countries, particularly the European countries, are agitating for more »


Make It Warm and Sociable and It Will Sell

Apr 7, 2009

Why do some Web sites appeal more to the online consumer than others? Do women respond differently to e-commerce Web sites and online shopping than men? With a spotlight on gender differences and e-commerce, we already know men and women process information differently. For instance, men are selective processors, relying on highly available and salient cues.


Andrew von Nordenflycht’s Forthcoming Article in the Journal of Industrial Relations

Mar 19, 2009

Assistant Professor Andrew von Nordenflycht‘s article co-authored with Greg J. Bamber, Jody Hoffer Gittell, and Thomas A. Kochan titled “Contrasting Employment Relations Strategies in European Airlines” is forthcoming in the Journal of Industrial Relations.


Stakeholders, Social Activities and Fannie and Freddie

Mar 18, 2009

My research interest in the how firms address social issues led me recently to engaged in a research project to investigate the relationship between the level of firms’ acknowledgment of outside entities– broadly referred to as stakeholders, and including various groups such as shareholders, employees, customers, communities, NGOs, governments – and firms’ likelihood of long-term survival.


Strategic Governance for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Mar 18, 2009

In the strategy literature, corporate governance is an “important factor affecting the firm’s performance and long-term survival” (Filatotchev, Toms & Wright, 2006: 257). Research on board size and independence – posited to help firms reduce managers’ self-interested behavior, and manage transaction costs and resource dependencies (Boone et al., 2007; Filatotchev et al., 2006; Lynall, Golden & Hillman, 2003) – has focused on the showing that positive effect of these variable on firm performance (Forbes & more »


Jon Stewart vs. Jim Cramer – Exposing the role of the stock tip in the current financial crisis

Mar 18, 2009

I am a religious follower of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. His succinct and insightful summaries of important topics enable ordinary people like me to get at issues which seem otherwise purposely complicated to keep us in the dark. In watching the recent media-created “feud” between Jon Stewart and CNBC’s Jim Cramer I was able to articulate my frustration with the stock market in the current financial crisis.


von Nordenflycht Publishes on Airline Employee Engagement

Mar 16, 2009

“And you thought the passengers were mad. Airline employees are fed up, too-with pay cuts, increased workloads and management’s miserly ways, which leave workers to explain to often-enraged passengers why flying has become such a miserable experience.”–The New York Times, December 22, 2007


The Measure of Responsibility

Mar 3, 2009

by John Peloza Corporate social responsibility has become commonplace in business plans. Studies regularly report that consumers would switch to support a socially responsible business over one that is not responsible.


Peter Klein Recognized for Outstanding Contribution as a Reviewer for Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

Feb 26, 2009

Professor of Finance, Peter Klein has been named as a reviewer that has gone above and beyond that which is expected of him by providing outstanding comments to authors of several manuscripts that he has reviewed for the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (CJAS).
