
Layoffs: Deciding Who Stays and Who Goes

Nov 26, 2008

by Peter Tingling The litany of corporate downsizing announcements reflects the first response for many managers to negative conditions — batten down the hatches and cut staff in large numbers.


Stretching Luxury Brands

Nov 20, 2008

By Michael Parent and Leyland Pitt Chateau Margaux, the famous Bordeaux first growth, is up there with the very best. Live like a Saint and die, said William Styron in the novel Sophie’s Choice, and “that must be what they make you to drink [sic] in paradise.”


Blaize Reich awarded “Best Paper of 2007” by Project Management Journal.

Nov 20, 2008

Dr. Reich’s paper, “Managing Knowledge and Learning in IT projects – A Conceptual Framework and Guidelines for Practice”, recognizes that highly uncertain projects require an approach that focuses on learning and effectively creates, integrates and transfers knowledge to develop unique solutions.


Do the Math on Social Responsibility

Nov 19, 2008

by John Peloza CSR advocates should not shy away from financial metrics Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) is divided into two camps. One is typified by people with expertise in environmental management, community relations or perhaps the non-profit sector.


Biculturalism Pays Big Dividends

Nov 11, 2008

by David C. Thomas Management research has typically assumed that individuals have only one cultural profile Ali is an immigrant from Iran who works at a Vancouver bank. Tarvinder, who grew up in Punjab, is a lab technician in a Toronto medical lab. And Jim, whose parents emigrated from Hong Kong, is a middle manager for a multinational mining company.


Stretching The Luxury Brand

Oct 28, 2008

by Leyland Pitt And Michael Parent Why do so many luxury brand extensions fail? Chateau Margaux, the famous Bordeaux first growth, is up there with the very best.


Theorizing in Practical Science

Oct 27, 2008

October 27, 2008 by Shirley Gregor Download the PowerPoints Presentation


Be Wary of the Pendulum

Oct 16, 2008

It is the end of casino capitalism. The end of the era of greed. A new financial world order is on the way. These are the clarion calls coming from many people all of whom share the anger at a financial and banking system that has failed them. Central banks and regulators and politicians of all stripes have already signaled that important and systemic changes are on the way. They have all had to adjust- more »


Our Regulatory Futures: Beyond the Cover of a TARP

Oct 3, 2008

So now the deal has been done. Bailout 2.0 (more formally known as TARP or the Troubled Asset Rescue Plan) has passed its last Congressional hurdle and now the machinery of US government can soon begin to implement the plan to defrost the credit markets. This political compromise may have preempted a deeper and more formidable financial crisis but it remains unclear whether this plan will stop the US and global economy from descending into more »


Political Views Affect Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Sep 23, 2008

Assistant Professor, Amir Rubin’s research on Political Views and Corporate Decision Making: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility was recently referenced on the Science Daily website.
