
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), UNEP Finance Initiative and The Global Compact (April 2006)

Aug 21, 2008

The PRI are 6 general principles that are intended to promote the integration of environmental, social and governance issues into investment decision-making and ownership practices of institutional investors. The proponents of these principles suggest that their implementation and adoption will improve the long-term return to beneficiaries i.e. those individuals whose money the institutional investors are investing. The principles deal with incorporating ESG metrics, active ownership, disclosure, reporting, advocacy and implementation of the principles.


The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis and What It Means, George Soros, Public Affairs, New York, 2008

Aug 21, 2008

This work is Soros’ latest contribution to assessing the problems with and prospects for the financial system. The book focuses on the recent credit crisis, its causes and what will be required to prevent further dramatic strains on the markets and the financial system in general. As the title suggests, Soros calls for a substantial rethinking of how markets and financial institutions work. Soros criticizes the current orthodoxy in economic thinking and adherence to equilibrium more »


Risk Management in Canada: Moving Beyond Assessment, Ernst & Young, 2006

Aug 21, 2008

This report is one in a series dealing with attitudes to risk and its management. The report focuses on risk assessment in Canada and is based on the results of a telephone survey of senior management conducted from October to December 2005. The results of the survey suggest that senior management recognizes risk management as a critical part of business operations but that corporations face serious challenges in implementing adequate risk management systems. The report more »


“The Implementation of OECD Corporate Governance Principles in Post-Crisis Asia”, Justin Iu and Jonathan Batten, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Winter 2001 at p. 47

Aug 21, 2008

This article analyses how the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance can be implemented in post-crisis Asia where different cultural, legal and philosophical approaches to corporate governance and economic development result in different outcomes as compared with Western corporate models. In particular, the article addresses the effects of ownership concentration on shareholder rights such as voting rights , the role of relationship-based commercial activity particularly between banks and corporations and the effect of culture on disclosure, more »


Balancing Risk and Performance with an Integrated Finance Organization: The Global CFO Study 2008, IBM Global Business Services, In cooperation with The Wharton School and Economist Intelligence Unit

Aug 21, 2008

This report contributes to the emergent discussion about how businesses can better adapt to the new realities of the global marketplace. The report focuses specifically on how globalization is evolving beyond mere multinational presence in different countries to a more complex interdependent network of worldwide assets that can “optimize” resources horizontally and vertically. The report argues that current enterprise management structures such as holding companies, decentralized operating companies and integrated operating companies, do not lead more »


Outlook for Change Selected as One of the Top 50 Blogs

Aug 21, 2008

MBA Explorer has recently chosen Professor Tom Lawrence’s Outlook for Change site as one of the Top 50 Business Professor Blogs.


BCE: For Whom Does the Bell Toll

Aug 20, 2008

BCE has been a fixture of the Canadian corporate landscape for 130 years. When Alexander Graham Bell and his father Melville Bell introduced the telephone in Canada, who could have predicted the impact that this mysterious and innovative piece of technology would have on global telecommunications. With its most innovative years arguably behind it, now the most immediate impact that BCE is likely to have is on the rights of shareholders and bondholders on the more »


David C. Thomas’ Book Reviewed in the Shanghai Daily

Jul 21, 2008

The book, “Cultural Intelligence – People Skills for Global Business” by SFU Business Professor David C. Thomas and Kerry Inkson was reviewed in the July 19 edition of the Shanghai Daily News.


Carbon Emission Reduction in the Absence of Leadership

Jul 10, 2008

The G8’s pledge on Tuesday 8 July 2008 to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is being seen by many as, at best, a travesty (President Bush’s commitment to anything containing the words ‘climate change’ is generally considered amusing) or, at worst, a tragedy. In 42 years’ time, with a world population roughly double that of today, it is widely considered unthinkable that emissions will have been lowered without stringent short-term targets having been put more »


Regulatory Responses to Failures in the Financial System: As Windows Open and Close

Jul 7, 2008

If recent events in the financial system are indications of inadequate corporate governance and risk management, do we know how and why the system failed? And perhaps most importantly, do we know what can be done to fix it?
