

Jun 12, 2007

June 12th, 2007 Dr Igor Filatotchev from Cass Business School, City University, London In this seminar, Dr Filatotchev developed an organizational approach to corporate governance. He discussed how most corporate governance research focuses on a universal link between corporate governance practices and performance outcomes, but neglects the important role played by organizational and environmental context. He proposed that by approaching corporate governance from an “open systems” perspective, the effectiveness of governance in diverse environments can be analyzed. more »



Mar 8, 2007

March 8th, 2007 Dr Michael Raynor Deloitte’s Michael E. Raynor, author of The Strategy Paradox, gave key insights into why business strategies with the greatest possibility of success also have the greatest possibility of failure. Michael previously appeared on the New York Times Bestseller list after he co-wrote the award-winning Innovator’s Solution. To view the video of Michael’s talk, click here.


Research Kudos

Mar 1, 2007

Professor Lindsay Meredith has won an Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for his article “A diagrammatical template for business market demand estimation” which appeared in the Industrial Marketing Management May 2006 (Vol 35, No 4).


SFU Business Continues to Expand the Frontiers of Management Knowledge

Mar 1, 2007

SFU Business researchers are breaking new ground on a wide range of topics from influence of trust in international strategic alliances to consumer demand for professional sports teams.


SFU Business Faculty Reap Almost $500,000 in SSHRC/NSERC Grants

Oct 1, 2006

SFU Business research projects have garnered almost $500,000 in research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).


New CIBC Centre Research Reveals Canadian Directors Worried About Lawsuit Risks

Oct 1, 2006

Canadian directors of TSX-listed companies say they face a high risk of potential lawsuits from shareholders and institutional investors around issues related to financial accounting disclosure and fraud.


CCGRM Dialogue on Corporate Governance and Risk Management

Sep 26, 2006

September 26th, 2006 “The New Focus for Global Investors: Responsible Investment and Active Share Ownership”, Colin Melvin, Director of Corporate Governance for Hermes Pensions Management and CEO of Hermes Equity Ownership Inc. Announcement (PDF) | Presentation (Powerpoint)


Show Me The Money: Linking Environmental, Social and Governance Issues to Company Value, UNEP Finance Initiative: Asset Management Working Group

Aug 21, 2006

The report reviews analyst research of 22 global financial service firms and concludes that the mismanagement of environmental, social and governance issues can present a financial threat to company and investor value. The report argues that analysts are increasingly documenting and quantifying potential material impacts of ESG issues on profitability and equity pricing. The report highlights three key findings: 1) ESG issues are material as there is robust evidence that ESG issues affect shareholder value more »


When Does Trust Matter to Alliance Performance?

Mar 1, 2006

“In strategic alliances, trust can be a double-edged sword,” says SFU Business assistant professor Rekha Krishnan. “It can have both performance-enhancing potential and performance-hampering potential.”
