
NHL Draft 2016: Drafting is educated guesswork

Jun 23, 2016

On the heels of the NHL draft, research from SFU Beedie School of Business professor Peter Tingling suggests that the draft tactics of NHL teams are often no better than randomly assigning players across the entire draft.


How to improve Canada’s record in science innovation

May 4, 2016

SFU Beedie Professor Elicia Maine studies strategies to boost advanced material commercialization. 


Welfare recipients judged negatively when making ethical purchases: study

Apr 26, 2016

Society believes that those on social assistance – or “welfare” – should not be paying a premium to purchase ethical goods instead of cheaper alternatives, according to a new study from Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business.


CPA Innovation Centre: How technology affects mindfulness

Apr 22, 2016

Technology is increasingly embedded in our everyday lives, yet in addition to the positive effects that it is intended to have it can also have negative side effects – one of which is a significant detrimental impact on our attention spans.


SFU alumnus Frode Strand Nielsen: The psychology of investing

Mar 9, 2016

Developing the mindset of a shrewd investor requires a complex combination of factors, including an appetite for risk, an ability to learn from mistakes, and even luck. Though these factors can largely be taught, it also requires a willingness to make contrarian investments – and it is by resisting the temptation to succumb to the inevitable pressure to follow the herd that brings the greatest returns on investment.


The hazards of Confidential Information rules in the workplace

Mar 1, 2016

Research from Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business reveals that organizations that implement rules governing Confidential Information (CI) can make it difficult for employees to fulfill their roles – resulting in rule breaking or bending.


President’s Faculty Lecture: Elicia Maine on turning scientific invention into innovation

Feb 25, 2016

Canada is punching above its weight in invention – but when it comes to bringing its scientific discoveries to commercial applications, it receives a failing grade on its report card. So what can be done to turn Canada’s burgeoning community of scientists into a prolific community of scientist entrepreneurs?


Huffington Post: The Art Of Deliberately Leaking Corporate Secrets

Dec 11, 2015

The following article was published by the Huffington Post on 8 December, and  features research by Beedie School of Business faculty David Hannah, Ian McCarthy, and Jan Kietzmann. By Liisa Atva.


Plus-sized models in advertising associated with poorer health choices: study

Dec 9, 2015

The increasing use of plus-sized models in advertising campaigns may be contributing to growing rates of obesity, a new study from Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business suggests.


Jack Austin Centre for Asia-Pacific Business Studies: The Chinese crowdfunding model

Nov 20, 2015

Thanks to popular websites such as Kickstarter, crowdfunding – the process of raising money to fund a project or business venture through many donors using an online platform – has permeated the public’s consciousness. Yet in China, the process of crowdfunding has a different look – one that relies on face-to-face contact.
