

Shifting the burden of risk

Jun 30, 2014

Publicly traded companies more likely to take risks with employee pension plans.


Jump-starting Vancouver’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy

Jun 16, 2014

Beedie grads explore viability of Social Impact Bonds to house city’s marginalized population.


Founding the Facebook for Finance

May 29, 2014

New instant messaging service aims to be the financial sector standard.


Pride and purchases: Do these designer pants make my head look fat?

Apr 1, 2014

Beedie study finds dark side to rewarding ourselves with luxury goods. The following article was published by on March 31, 2014.


Beedie researchers examine technology’s impact on blue-collar workers

Feb 13, 2014

New research from the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University indicates that the addition of simple communications technology is revolutionizing the way blue-collar workers perform their roles – often in unexpected ways. The research looks at how blue-collar workers use technology to share knowledge and collaborate on the go. It reveals that a relatively small introduction of technology, such as mobile phones, can result in a significant impact on the way work is […]


At the intersection of Bio and Nano

Jan 6, 2014

Beedie researchers explore the emergence of a new sector.


Knowledge problem? Go with the crowd

Dec 13, 2013

By John Prpic and Prashant Shukla, PhD students at the Beedie School of Business. Information technology applications are giving people more say in processes ranging from product development to government policy-making. As Metro Vancouver’s municipal bureaucrats and politicians wrestle over transportation priorities in the Lower Mainland, it’s clear that future projects – given their growing scope and cost – will require even greater consultation and public input than in years past. New bike lanes, bridges, […]


Prof. Eric Gedajlovic appointed as inaugural Beedie Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Oct 31, 2013

Eric Gedajlovic, a professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, has been appointed as the Beedie Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship for a five-year term. The newly created professorship focuses on scholarship that is relevant to business strategy and entrepreneurship at both global and local levels – and outreach activities that disseminate academic research. Gedajlovic’s research is widely cited by scholars working in the fields of strategy, organizational theory, entrepreneurship, international […]


Beedie prof. Kim Trottier examines art of decision-making

Sep 30, 2013

Study by Kim Trottier shows making choices under pressure is critical in business as well as sport. Growing up in the northern Ontario community of Kapuskasing, Beedie School of Business assistant professor Kim Trottier was naturally drawn to the sport of hockey at an early age. She was at one point the only girl on an all-boys hockey team – drawing attention to herself as the fastest skater in her age group. She eventually gave […]


Research warns of ambush marketers at global sporting events

Sep 13, 2013

Study focuses on disruptions of London and Beijing Games sponsorships. Sporting enthusiasts around the globe are counting down the days until two of the biggest competitions on the sporting calendar: The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia and the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. But as fans look forward to both massively popular and financially lucrative events, a study from the Beedie School of Business shows that the persistent effectiveness of ambush marketers leaves […]
