SFU Beedie School of Business receives Net Impact’s Gold Chapter standing
Aug 05, 2016

Top Net Impact chapters recognized for their extraordinary 2015-2016 achievements
Net Impact has announced the 2016 Gold standings for Net Impact chapters, awarding Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business the prestigious Gold standing. These standings, based on the chapter’s performance this past academic year, represent the most outstanding chapters in the Net Impact network. This year, just 38% of over 300 Net Impact chapters worldwide achieved Gold standing.
“Of our network of over 300 chapters worldwide, Net Impact’s Gold chapters represent the brightest, most committed impact leaders who are making a difference on their campuses and in their communities,” says Net Impact CEO Liz Maw. “These chapters are inspiring and equipping young people to use their careers to lead our world to a more sustainable and equitable future.”
Chapters achieve Gold standing by meeting a rigorous set of requirements based on their activities, programming, and network contribution. This year, the Net Impact network led a multitude of events and programs that allowed members to positively impact their communities. Gold chapters also strengthened the overall network through regional collaboration, mentoring and helping launch other chapters, and sharing successful ideas with their peers.
This year’s SFU chapter was led by the executive committee of Grace Potma (President), Spencer Westlake (Vice President), Jacqueline Norris (Director of Communications), Saman Moradi (Director of Community Outreach), Harshil Cherukuri (Director of Academic Outreach), and Rylan Dobson (Director at Large). SFU’s chapter activities this year included a wide variety of topics: from movie nights on climate change and sustainable supply chains, to expert panels on socially responsible investment, career paths in sustainability, and business in a First Nations context. The annual Net Impact Sustainability Challenge allowed students from business schools across North America to compete for thousands of dollars in prize money, while analyzing and presenting solutions to an expert panel on a live sustainability case extremely relevant to the BC business community.
“It was a privilege to work with such a capable team,” said Potma. “While balancing a busy MBA course load, the SFU Net Impact chapter created a dynamic flow of events that met peers’ learning needs and provided opportunities to connect with local professionals. We are extremely grateful for the strong support we received from the staff and faculty at the Beedie School of Business. Stephanie Reimer (Manager, Student Engagement) and Dr. Steph Bertels (Faculty Advisor and Associate Professor) were particularly instrumental at providing the institutional memory and industry connections that made our event portfolio so strong.”
Gold chapters are recognized broadly across the Net Impact network through Net Impact’s digital channels and at the annual Net Impact conference.
The SFU chapter is already continuing its momentum: among many other engaging events to be hosted by the new incoming graduate business cohorts, the fourth annual SFU Net Impact Sustainability Challenge will be held March 24-25, 2017, at the SFU Beedie School of Business’ Segal Building in downtown Vancouver, BC. Learn more, or see the video of this year’s successful competition here.
About Net Impact:
Net Impact is a leading nonprofit that empowers a new generation to use their careers to drive transformational change in the workplace and the world. At the heart of our community are over 100,000 student and professional leaders from over 300 volunteer-led chapters across the globe working for a sustainable future. Together, we make a net impact that transforms our lives, our organizations, and the world.