SFU Business Teaching Honour Roll 2007-08

Apr 24, 2009

Congratulations for outstanding teaching performance. The Teaching Honour Roll is based on evaluation ratings distributed over different class size categories within three program level groups (pre-business, undergraduate and graduate). Those recognized as part of the 2007/2008 Teaching Honour Roll are in the top tier of instructors in the Faculty of Business Administration. 

Dedication to high teaching standards is respected and valued by the Faculty and our students. Thanks and congratulations for excellent teaching performance.

SFU Business Excellence in Teaching Honour Roll

May 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008
Joe Bateman
Colin Campbell
Alain Duncan
Mark Frein
Andrew Gemino
David Hannah
Rick Iverson
Mcihael Johnson
Anne Macdonald
Kamal Masri
Neil Mathur
Elen McIntosh
John Peloza
Scott Powell
Daniel Shapiro
David C. Thomas
Gary Wagenheim
Mark Wexler
Larry Wosk
Derek Yee