The Beedie School of Business welcomes the Academy of International Business

Jun 23, 2014

2014logo The Beedie School of Business is honoured to host the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB). In the next four days, more than 1,000 business scholars from around the world will present and discuss research that deepens economic understanding, and challenges the status quo.

The end result of business research is simple: how do economic complexities affect people’s lives? Recently, countries from around the world have weathered the economic crises of a century, and face a future of uncertainty and promise both.

This is the very purpose of academic research gatherings such as the AIB Annual Meeting: a transfer of knowledge that shapes and guides the future of business – and helps countries and citizens around the world thrive and prosper.

Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business is proud to host this noble academic endeavour, and welcomes those who bring their profound intelligence, insight and discoveries to Vancouver.

For more information, visit


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