Beedie Prof. Irene Gordon awarded double accounting honours

Jul 23, 2014
Beedie School of Business professor Irene Gordon.

Beedie School of Business professor Irene Gordon.

Beedie School of Business accounting professor Irene Gordon has been honoured with two awards in tribute to her longstanding contribution to the field of accounting.

Prof. Gordon was first presented with the George Baxter Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) at the Annual CAAA Conference in June 2014. The award is presented annually to a CAAA volunteer who demonstrates exemplary contribution to the Association to help it fulfill its mission.

The award recognizes Prof. Gordon’s dedication and commitment to the CAAA, in which she has played an integral role since the early 1980s. She has served on a number of CAAA committees, contributed to its two scholarly journals, and from 1988-89, served as the Association’s first female president.

In addition, Prof. Gordon has been awarded a Lifetime Membership by the Certified General Accountants (CGA) Association of British Columbia, the highest honour that the CGA can bestow upon one of its members.

The Lifetime Membership award is presented to a member who has, over a period of years, made a significant contribution to the accounting profession in general, and to the CGA in particular. Prof. Gordon will be presented with the award at the CGA Chair’s Banquet and Awards Gala on September 20, 2014.

“I am delighted to receive these awards, which recognize my contribution to a field in which I am passionate about, and have worked diligently in for my entire professional career,” said Prof. Gordon. “I look forward to working with both of these professional organizations for many years to come.”

Prof. Gordon joined the Beedie School of Business in 1981 where her research focuses on accounting theory, financial accounting, accounting education, and accounting and corporate social responsibility. In 1984 she received the prestigious SFU Excellence in Teaching Award, and her contributions to accounting education were recognized with the CAAA’s L.S. Rosen Outstanding Accounting Educator Award in 1999.

She obtained her CGA designation in 1983, received a Fellowship (FCGA) in 1998 for service to CGA-Canada, and has contributed to CGA-BC by serving on a number of committees as well as on the Board of Governors from 1999 to 2001. In addition, she was named CGA-BC Research Fellow for 2006-2011 in recognition of her research in accounting.

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