A New Home for the Faculty of Business Administration

Apr 06, 1994

The Business Administration faculty, students and staff moved west… to their new home in the Lohn Centre, part of the West Mall Complex.

The incredible new facility, which provides the Faculty of Business Administration with both a physical focus and a sense of organizational cohesion, serves as a unified flagship for the school’s commuter population of both full- and part-time students.

Two years under construction the 20,000 square-meter complex is the largest single capital project at SFU since the university was first built. It provides office space for 190 faculty as well as sessional instructors, over 300 graduate students and about 120 support staff. Its 39 new classrooms with 1,430 seats make it possible to deal with the University’s recent growth.

Other tenants of the new facility include the departments of criminology, philosophy, economics, continuing studies and distance education.

Situated west of the library and north of the gym, the West Mall represents a long overdue shift back to the original campus design concept of one highly distinctive interconnected series of buildings. “It’s exciting to see the west end of campus come to life,” says Lee Gavel, assistant director, facilities management.

The new building offers improved access, space, parking and security. It houses state-of-the-art Decision Support and Management Simulation laboratories and three microcomputer labs, as well as new student lounges and more student club space. And there are common study areas and dining facilities… all with an outstanding view of Indian Arm.

“With expanding enrolment, space for both faculty and students has been in very short supply for some years,” explains Dean Stanley Shapiro. “We are particularly delighted bout the computer labs, specialized class and seminar rooms, and research facilities that are part of the Lohn Centre. All told, it’s another step up for the Faculty of Business Administration quality of teaching and research,” he adds.

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