G20, NATO summit – Issues, Experts & Ideas

Apr 06, 2009

Reviving the global economy

World leaders meeting in London have agreed to inject $1 trillion into the world economy in an attempt to curb the global financial crisis. SFU business professor Robert Adamson specializes in corporate governance and risk management and has just returned from London. He can talk about the challenges G20 leaders face as they work to address the varied needs and agendas of different countries and consider whether new strategies for global financial systems management might work.

Robert Adamson, 778.782.5267, 604.657.1213 (cell); radamson@sfu.ca
(Adamson is Executive Director, CIBC Centre for Corporate Governance and Risk Management at the Segal Graduate School of Business)

NATO to mull Afghanistan conflict

After the G20 summit, Prime Minister Stephen Harper will join U.S. President Barrack Obama at a crucial 60th anniversary meeting of NATO leaders Friday in Strasbourg where Afghanistan is sure to top their agenda. Obama recently ordered 21,000 more U.S. troops to the country, bringing its total complement to some 55,000, while NATO has another 30,000 allied soldiers there, including 2,500 from Canada. Alexander Moens is a professor of international relations at SFU and an expert on U.S. foreign policy. He can comment on the NATO meeting and how it could affect what lies ahead for both the U.S. and Canada and their allies in the troubled region.

Alexander Moens, 778.782.4361; alexander_moens@sfu.ca