SFU Beedie professors awarded SSHRC Insight Grant

Jun 16, 2022

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Professors Krishnan & KozhikodeSFU Beedie professors Rekha Krishnan, Rajiv Kozhikode have been selected to receive an Insight grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSRHC).

The Insight program aims to support and foster excellence in social sciences and humanities research intended to deepen, widen and increase our collective understanding of individuals and societies, as well as to inform the search for solutions to societal challenges.

In start-up accelerators, women are not only evaluated alongside men but are also potentially exposed to gender-based socialization at social events. Professors Krishnan and Kozhikode seek to develop a nuanced understanding of how interaction rituals perpetuate gender bias and how it shapes women’s entrepreneurial opportunities. Without knowing the sources of such biases, it will be impossible to close the gender gap in in entrepreneurship.

They specifically seek to understand how interaction rituals in selection committee meetings and at social events in start-up accelerators reinforce gender stereotypes, as well as the ramifications for the evaluation of women entrepreneurs and their pursuit of opportunities within the accelerator.

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