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Pat Chaisang and Leejoo Hwang, both named 2023 Changemakers by The Globe & Mail.

SFU Beedie congratulates two of its own, Pat Chaisang and Leejoo Hwang, for being named to The Globe and Mail’s 2023 Changemakers list. The annual list recognizes 50 emerging Canadian business leaders who are making a positive impact on their industries and communities.

The list, which covers a wide range of industries and sectors from tech to healthcare to finance, showcases individuals who are innovative, socially conscious, and committed to driving positive change in their respective fields. These individuals are chosen based on their demonstrated track record of success and their potential to have a significant impact in the future.

Chaisang and Hwang’s achievements also reflect the innovation and entrepreneurship programs that Simon Fraser University students can access through SFU Beedie. Chaisang completed a concentration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Hwang benefited from participation with SFU’s Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship, receiving mentorship and start-up support for MeaningfulWork from the Coast Capital Venture Connection incubator, as well a paid entrepreneurship co-op (eCoop) term to grow his founder skills and experience.

Through its interdisciplinary entrepreneurship education programs, courses, and partnerships, SFU Beedie and SFU’s innovation ecosystem are helping to shape a new generation of changemakers who will drive positive change in the world.

Introducing the SFU Beedie winners of the 2023 Changemakers awards:

Pat Chaisang, Founder, Isempower

Pat Chaisang, a 2018 SFU Beedie graduate, founded Isempower, a platform that helps help empower international students in Canada who often face challenges finding meaningful employment due to lack of experience and language barriers.

Chaisang’s personal experience as an international student struggling to find work inspired her to create this platform to help others in similar situations. Now, Isempower helps more than 20,000 international students find meaningful work. The platform provides educational resources, connections to industry mentors, and a network of vetted employers to help bridge the gap between international students and Canadian employers.

Leejoo Hwang, Co-Founder and COO, MeaningfulWork

Leejoo Hwang, an SFU Beedie student and graduate of SFU’s Chang Institute and eCoop program, co-founded MeaningfulWork as a platform for individuals to find opportunities to give back and for non-profits to connect with new volunteers and donors. The platform also supports companies in building effective employee volunteer programs.

Hwang had always had a passion for community work, starting in his own Surrey neighbourhood. He helped the city plan its Canada 150 celebrations and even got invited to Ottawa for the occasion. In 2021, Hwang was named one of Vancouver’s 30 Under 30 in 2021 by BCBusiness Magazine.

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