Women In Business
Alumna Frenny Bawa explains the technology distribution model in India
Aug 1, 2013
The following article was published by Business in Vancouver on June 11, 2013. Frenny Bawa is a SFU BBA alumna. Business in Vancouver’s “How I Did It” feature asks business leaders to explain in their own words how they achieved a business goal in the face of significant entrepreneurial challenges. In this week’s issue, Frenny Bawa describes how, in her previous role as Research in Motion’s (RIM, now BlackBerry) vice-president and managing director for India, she […]More...
Beedie MIS Prof. brings networking for women to major conference
Aug 31, 2012
Professor Dianne Cyr continued the Beedie School of Business’ long history of supporting women in business when she organized and hosted a networking event for women in information systems at a major conference recently. The Beedie-sponsored networking reception was part of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), held in Seattle, Washington from August 9 to 11. AMCIS is the annual research conference of the Association for Information Systems, the premier global organization for academics, […]More...