
Beedie School Of Business

Engage consumers using social media

Jun 30, 2012

  Beedie researchers urge brands to interact authentically with their customers online It isn’t enough for today’s companies to pay lip service to social media when developing successful marketing strategies, according to 2011 research from the Beedie School of Business. Instead, firms need to focus more on increasing two-way engagement through social media channels. This means garnering consumer participation beyond the monetary level, by creating opportunities for them to spend time with a brand or […]


How mutated advertising thrives in Web 2.0 world

Jun 30, 2012

Conversations around ads in digital media can be mapped and interpreted The rules of advertising have changed dramatically since the surge of popularity in social media, which in turn is forcing firms to rethink how they reach consumers online. Not only are audiences consuming video via non-traditional media, but in a major shift facilitated by inexpensive media software, they are also creating the content. A 2011 Beedie study notes that this new wave of digital […]


Social media? Get serious!

Jun 29, 2012

Understanding social media ecosystem top priority for middle managers. Time-crunched middle managers and dismissive executives should take note: Deferring social media to your organization’s marketers or techies will soon become a relic of the past. At companies large and small, social media is expanding beyond the jurisdiction of the communications, marketing or IT departments. It requires corporate level strategic attention. For that reason, according to Beedie researchers, social media sites — including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn […]


Beedie researchers help tackle forest pests with genomics

Dec 6, 2011

Jeremy Hall, a Simon Fraser University Beedie School of Business professor, is leading the social science research component in a new project dedicated to significantly reducing forest pests in Canada, and ultimately globally. Hall leads one of several research teams involved in Genomics-Based Forest Health Diagnostics and Monitoring, a new $4.2 million project funded by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Stelvia Matos, an adjunct professor, and Vernon Bachor, a sessional lecturer, in SFU’s Beedie School of […]
