Karen Robson receives American Marketing Association Rising Star Award
Jul 06, 2015Beedie School of Business PhD candidate Karen Robson has received the Rising Star Award from the American Marketing Association (AMA) Consumer Behavior Special Interest Group – one of the largest special interest groups within the AMA.
The prestigious award is presented to a doctoral student whose promising research and publications demonstrates a bright future in consumer behavior research. Robson will receive the award at the annual AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, to be held in Chicago in August.
“I am fortunate to have such wonderful mentors, especially my committee members Leyland Pitt, Ian McCarthy, and Hope Jensen Schau,” says Robson. “I couldn’t have achieved this without the support of those around me, and I am truly honoured to be this years recipient of the award.”
Robson began her PhD studies at the Beedie School of Business in 2012, and has already co-authored 14 peer-reviewed journal articles, including papers in journals such as the Journal of Advertising Research, MIS Quarterly Executive, and Business Horizons. She has presented her work at all the leading academic marketing conferences, and is the author of a number of published case studies and book chapters.
Under the supervision of Beedie Professor Leyland Pitt, Robson’s research predominantly investigates consumer innovation and the impact it has on companies and consumers, including in relation to intellectual property rights.
Along with fellow Beedie PhD candidate Stefanie Beninger, Robson has published two peer-reviewed journal articles, with another peer-reviewed journal article forthcoming. The duo’s first collaborations were about creative consumers in impoverished situations, as well as on marketing changes before, during, and after the global financial crisis.
They also have a forthcoming article in the respected journal Business Horizons, where they discuss issues concerning marketing in impoverished markets, supported by survey research with mangers active in those contexts.
The AMA is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practice, teaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide. Established in 1937, it has grown to be one of the largest marketing associations in the world, with over 30,000 members who work, teach and study in the field of marketing across the globe.
For more information on the PhD program at Beedie School of Business, visit beedie.sfu.ca/phd/
About Ross MacDonald-Allan
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