Media Matters – SFU Business in the News – Oct. 15, 2010

Oct 19, 2010

How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Oct. 15, 2010.

Business and Economy


  • The Vancouver Sun reported: “Shopping websites showing friendly faces and culturally appropriate colours have a distinct advantage over online marketers who focus exclusively on their merchandise, a researcher from Simon Fraser University has found. Dianne Cyr, a professor in the SFU business faculty, says that shoppers are inclined to perceive e-commerce sites as more appealing and trustworthy, and as evoking both warmth and social presence when those sites include friendly human images.”
    Full story:
    The story also ran on the MetroVancouver Blogsite:
  • reported on “a major research project that promises to challenge conventional wisdom on IT project management.” And it added: ”The study is led by three internationally renowned professors, Chris Sauer from the University of Oxford, and Blaize Horner Reich andAndrew Gemino from the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.”
    Full story:


Diversity Award

  • Burnaby Now ran a story on the award to KPMG last month of SFU’s Nancy McKinstry award for leadership in diversity.  The Burnaby Now story also told how the Burnaby Board of Trade organized workplace tours for 21 skilled immigrants at SFU.
    Burnaby Now story: SFU news release: