Media Matters – SFU Business in the News – October 8, 2010

Oct 12, 2010

How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Oct. 8, 2010.

  • The Vancouver Sun also told readers how the B.C. Liberals “plan to sell the (HST) tax with a ‘lunchroom’ PR campaign rather than a slick TV advertising blitz.” SFU marketing prof Lindsay Meredith was in the story: “Taxpayers love to hear how you are going to cut back the overall cost of the burden of government. So I certainly would be focusing very hard on the amount of actual dollar savings.”  Full story:

Olympic Village

  • CTV News did a story on how businesses are delaying opening at Vancouver’s struggling Olympic Village, until more of the condos sell and the population grows. Marketing prof Lindsay Meredith was quoted:
    “What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Always get the consumers first. No business will ever invest where they see an empty hole in the marketplace. They have to be able to fill those units, get a population down there, and then they can start to attract the business infrastructure that in turn will attract more consumers.” Full story:


  • The Province carried a story (with photos) about Brent Seal, SFU Business student and Convocation speaker.  “After a diagnosis of schizophrenia, Seal  . . .  slowly made a recovery. Rather than feel sorry for himself, Seal set up Students for Mental Wellness——a group to help others that’s a first in Canada and is now adding chapters at other institutions.” Full story:

Second Run

  • The Province carried an Edmonton Journal story from Sept. 24 on competition among exchange-traded fund companies (ETFs) and institutions offering no-fee banking. The story cited a study by  SFU Business prof  Karen Ruckman, “who found Canadian fees were 50 per cent higher than American fees.”  Full story: