

Climate change, energy transition, and geopolitics in emerging markets: SFU Beedie hosts 2022 global conference

Jun 14, 2022

Climate change, energy transition, and geopolitics were dominating themes at this year’s Global Strategy and Emerging Markets (GSEM) conference. On May 7 and 8, SFU’s Beedie School of Business hosted the 2022 GSEM conference through the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies along with our partners Cornell University Emerging Markets Institute, Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets, and University of Texas at Dallas Center for Global Business. The conference brought together scholars, corporate executives, more »


Beedie plays host to special User Innovation conference

Aug 7, 2015

User innovation is a potential creative goldmine for organizations – but there are many potential hurdles that must be overcome in order for a firm to strategically take advantage of these opportunities.
