
Organizational Theory

Prof. Eric Gedajlovic appointed as inaugural Beedie Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Oct 31, 2013

Eric Gedajlovic, a professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, has been appointed as the Beedie Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship for a five-year term. The newly created professorship focuses on scholarship that is relevant to business strategy and entrepreneurship at both global and local levels – and outreach activities that disseminate academic research. Gedajlovic’s research is widely cited by scholars working in the fields of strategy, organizational theory, entrepreneurship, international […]


Beedie prof. Peter Tingling tests business theories through professional sport

Sep 4, 2013

Professional sport is undeniably big business. Player contracts and sponsorship deals amount to tens of millions of dollars, with ticket sales, television rights and merchandising totaling billions. One could surmise, therefore, that sport commands a lot of attention in the way of academic research. However, Beedie School of Business associate professor Peter Tingling’s motivation for researching sport is a little less obvious. Rather than the business of professional sports, Tingling’s true research interests lie in […]
