
Beedie School of Business News

December 4, 2010 Name: Shawn Smith (30) (SFU BBA ’05) Business Name: Global Agents Global Agents was founded by a group of young professionals, students and social change agents from Vancouver, Canada. Launched in 2006, the same year Muhammad Yunus received a Nobel Prize for his pioneering efforts in microcredit, the organization was founded to engage a generation in supporting innovative solutions to global poverty. Global Agents’ launch project saw 21 young people cycling 3000 more »


Beedie School of Business News

by Bill Goodwin, Computer IT projects are taking longer than planned and are running further over-budget, but are delivering better value to the business, early results from a major study that includes research from SFU Business Professor Blaize Reich reveal. Initial findings from the study by a team of international researchers suggest organisations are prioritising the need for IT projects to deliver sound business benefits over the need to deliver on-time and to budget. more »


Beedie School of Business News

Contact: Jennifer Beale, 778.782.7587 Marianne Meadahl, PAMR, 778.782.4323; December 1, 2010 Fourth-year marketing students at Simon Fraser University’s Surrey campus will join with community crafters in peddling their own creative wares at the annual Christmas Market on the Mezzanine Dec. 2, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. But this year, a group of first-year business counterparts is also getting in on the act. Taking up a challenge from faculty coordinator Jennifer Beale, who is working with more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending November 26, 2010. BC Liberal Leadership Gary Mauser, SFU Business prof emeritus, was on the national news on CBC Radio talking about the change in leadership of the B.C. Liberal party. “When premiers or politicians stay beyond the applause, they risk an ugly exit and that’s exactly what Campbell has done.” Power of Oprah Two Vancouver companies received a huge boost after talk-show maven Oprah more »


Beedie School of Business News

November 22, 2010 Shakespeare famously argued that “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players.” Similarly, new research from SFU Business uses the metaphor of service experiences as theoretical performances, to explain how employees (the actors) follow or write the scripts for customers (the audience) to consume. The future of service industries lies in customization – at least for those companies catering to the increasingly fickle tastes of today’s more »


Beedie School of Business News

BA (Cmns) ’99, GDBA ’03 Founder, Organically Hatched Many new or expecting mothers face a reality they hadn’t previously considered: “I’ve met many moms who feel that the workplace doesn’t allow for the flexibility needed in being a mom. At the same time these women are experts and professionals in their field and don’t want to give up their skills and education to be a stay at home mom.” Shaheen Hirji, BA ’99, GDBA ’03, more »


Beedie School of Business News

November 15, 2010 The establishment of a new fund for Management of Technology MBA students at Simon Fraser University will remember a very special member of the 2009 class. Cecelia Suragh, a Management of Technology (Biotechnology) MBA candidate, passed away suddenly on June 16, 2010 at the age of 31. As those within the SFU Business community will attest to, she was a much-admired student, classmate and friend. She was young and full of life, more »


Beedie School of Business News

November 17, 2010 Six MBA students at Simon Fraser University have gained some valuable business insights after their class project went viral on YouTube. As part of their MBA class Marketing 702, taught by Professor Leyland Pitt, the SFU Business students were challenged to create an online video to spoof an existing product or company. The video — by students Michelle Au, Ken Lee, Shell Lau, Weijia Liu, Allan Olson and Tina Sun – is more »


Beedie School of Business News

My MBA experience Jordana Divon, Metro News Vancouver Name: Jessica Fong School: Simon Fraser University Current city: Vancouver Position: Online Marketing Specialist at SFU Business School Pre-MBA I had a BA in economics. After graduation I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do, so I took an administrative position and got to do some accounting. I’ve always wanted to pursue my MBA, but I was never motivated. However, I wasn’t too happy with my more »


Beedie School of Business News

By John Shmuel, Financial Post When professor Leyland Pitt assigns students their main presentation in his marketing course, there’s only one piece of instruction given to them: Present about anything you want. The effectiveness of guerrilla marketing at sports events? Sure. Using Web 2.0 to create dialogue with your customers? Knock yourself out. Deploying satellites to act as billboards. Sure, why not? Of course, the ideas won’t necessarily lead to good marks. But that’s the more »


Beedie School of Business News

November 9, 2010 A team of undergraduate students from SFU Business made it to the Final Four at one of the world’s most prestigious international business case competitions held in Hong Kong recently. The Citi International Case Competition 2010 which took place last week saw 19 outstanding teams from top business schools around the world compete in a divisional playoff format. The SFU Business students participating were Frederick Bantados, Sahar Sharafzadeh, Awin Ye, and Jojo more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending November 5, 2010. Premier Campbell Resigns The Province and the Victoria Times Colonist also spoke with SFU business professor Lindsay Meredith, who commented that it was former premier Bill Vander Zalm and his anti-HST campaign that was responsible for Campbell’s move. “Zalm set the clock ticking,” Meredith told The Province.The Vancouver Sun also quoted Meredith from an SFU Issues & Experts media alert. The Province (story #1): The Province more »


Beedie School of Business News

Basic household goods gathered. By Frank Luba, The Province In terms of business projects, The Good Drive really was a win-win effort Sunday. Hundreds of household goods were donated to the non-profit group Gather and Give for people trying to rebuild their lives. And five students completed their assignment for a project management class, a third-year business course at Simon Fraser University. Chantelle Buffy, Josephine Gunawan, Aren Hanson, Sabaina Saif and Kenny Wee came up more »


Beedie School of Business News

November 4, 2010 The Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University is pleased to announce the William Rowe EMBA Alumni Professorship. The new professorship has been established in honour of the late William Rowe, who earned his Executive MBA from SFU in 1972. Rowe, who passed away earlier this year, established a longlasting relationship with both Simon Fraser University and SFU Business. It represents the second EMBA Alumni Professorship created at SFU Business. The more »


Beedie School of Business News

SFU business students have partnered with the non-profit Gather & Give organization to assist low-income families, reports the Burnaby NewsLeader. As part of an assignment for a project management class related to sustainability, the students will collect household items, such as pots and pans, kitchenware, toiletries, bedding, and other housewares. The newspaper said most people think about the environment when sustainability is discussed, but the students decided to focus on social sustainability instead. “Making sure more »


Beedie School of Business News

The debate in The National Post is whether the biggest technological revolution known to mankind proved to be accurate. According to the paper, there were tremendous expectations for information technology (IT) and some argue today that predictions of increased productivity never came to fruition. Of course, IT did change the way we work and how organizations communicate around the world, and now there are new expectations with the arrival of IT Revolution 2.0. This time more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Oct. 29, 2010. SFU Business Recognized According to Business in Vancouver, SFU Business has been ranked 38th out of 40 universities around the world, based on the number of academic articles published between 1998 and 2008. International Business Review chose SFU and the University of Western Ontario (ranked fifth overall) as the only two Canadian schools to make its list. SFU Business dean Daniel Shapiro said being recognized more »


Beedie School of Business News

Young Women in Business at SFU Encourage Social Entrepreneurship BURNABY, B.C. (October 29, 2010)- A group of enthusiastic students from the Young Women in Business (YWiB) Network at SFU (YWiB SFU) have embarked on a new project for social change. The new program, Project GIVE (Generating Innovative Visions of Entrepreneurship), will provide participants with the opportunity to develop ideas and business plans for social change while working alongside mentors from leading non-profit organizations. Founder of more »


Beedie School of Business News

Simon Fraser University’s business school has been ranked as one of the world’s most productive institutions studying international business. A study in the International Business Review has ranked SFU Business 38th out of 40 universities around the world, based on the total number of academic articles published between 1998 and 2008. SFU was one of two Canadian universities to make the top 40 ranking. The University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business ranked more »


Beedie School of Business News

October 26, 2010 An undergraduate student team from Simon Fraser University garnered finalist status at the Collegiate Ethics Case Competition, hosted at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management from October 21 to 23 in Tucson. The event featured 30 leading business schools from across North America, including four from Canada. SFU’s team – featuring students Andrew McKinlay and Owen Hosford – was one of only four to reach the finals, along with the more »


Beedie School of Business News

As part of the Vancouver Sun’s week-long series on the worldwide decline in shark populations, the October 25 edition of the newspaper profiled Claudia Li and her organization, Shark Truth, which advocates for the removal of shark-fin soup on restaurant menus in Canada and internationally. The article in its entirety appears below. The dangerous allure of shark-fin soup and the grassroots movement to combat it by Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun Tai Cheng’s father Derick, a more »


Beedie School of Business News

On October 21, 3BL Media caught up with SFU Business Assistant Prof. Stephanie Bertels during the 2010 Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) conference in Toronto. CBSR, a non-profit, member-led organization that mobilizes Canadian companies to make powerful business decisions that improve performance and contribute to a better world and 3BL Media, a leading CSR and sustainability communications company, have partnered to raise awareness about organization’s efforts and progress around corporate social responsibility efforts. Click more »


Beedie School of Business News

October 25, 2010 A new ranking of global business schools measured by scholarly impact in the realm of international business has put Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Business Administration among the best in the world. Published in the journal International Business Review, the survey ranks universities in terms of international business research output in elite business journals over the past decade. SFU Business ranked among the top 40 business schools globally, and was one of more »


Beedie School of Business News

October 22, 2010 Award-winning research from Simon Fraser University into the crucial role of design in e-commerce websites shows that the representation of the human face can have a big impact on customer experience and loyalty — and ultimately, the bottom line. Since 2002, SFU Business professor Dianne Cyr has examined various elements of website design from the perspective of cultural and gender values, including the business implications of how websites are treated visually. This more »


Beedie School of Business News

Vancouver, BC, October 21, 2010 – Some sobering findings on the lack of diversity on the boards of large Canadian companies were released today in the Canadian Board Diversity Council’s Annual Report Card. From the number of women holding directorships – about one-in-seven – to the number of visible minorities (just over five per cent) to the less than one per cent Aboriginal Peoples, FP 500 boardrooms are not reflective of the broader population of more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Oct. 15, 2010. Business and Economy   The Vancouver Sun reported: “Shopping websites showing friendly faces and culturally appropriate colours have a distinct advantage over online marketers who focus exclusively on their merchandise, a researcher from Simon Fraser University has found. Dianne Cyr, a professor in the SFU business faculty, says that shoppers are inclined to perceive e-commerce sites as more appealing and trustworthy, and more »


Beedie School of Business News

Putting a human face on e-commerce By Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun Shopping websites showing friendly faces and culturally appropriate colours have a distinct advantage over online marketers who focus exclusively on their merchandise, a researcher from Simon Fraser University has found. Dianne Cyr, a professor in the SFU business faculty, says that shoppers are inclined to perceive e-commerce sites as more appealing and trustworthy, and as evoking both warmth and social presence when those sites more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Oct. 8, 2010. The Vancouver Sun also told readers how the B.C. Liberals “plan to sell the (HST) tax with a ‘lunchroom’ PR campaign rather than a slick TV advertising blitz.” SFU marketing prof Lindsay Meredith was in the story: “Taxpayers love to hear how you are going to cut back the overall cost of the burden of government. So I certainly would be focusing more »


Beedie School of Business News

As the business world becomes more specialized, students would do well to consider options like Simon Fraser University’s Master of Financial Risk Management program. To download a copy of the complete article printed in the Tuesday, September 21, 2010 issue of Metro News Vancouver, click here.


Beedie School of Business News

October 6, 2010 A PhD student from SFU Business has received the Outstanding Teacher Award from a globally recognized university clinic devoted to teaching in the area of entrepreneurship. Kirk Plangger, a marketing PhD student at Simon Fraser University, attended the Experiential Classroom program at the Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University from September 23 to 26, where he garnered the prize. Most of the participants in attendance were PhDs and seasoned university teachers from North more »


Beedie School of Business News

Stephanie Bertels teaches her students to go the extra mile when it comes to integrating sustainability into business practices. An assistant professor of business, Bertels is teaching two undergraduate courses—Sustainable Innovation (BUS453) next spring and Managing for Sustainability (BUS489) next summer—along with an MBA class in sustainability. “There’s more and more happening at the business school related to sustainability,” she says. “Our students have told us this is a priority and we are responding by more »


Beedie School of Business News

Research from SFU Business professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent on the implications of ambush marketing at global-scale sporting events has garnered a notable award from the journal Business Horizons. Entitled “Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing: Lessons from the Beijing Olympics,” the research has won the Business Horizons/Elsevier Publishing Prize for the journal’s “Best Article” published in 2010. The article was co-written with Pierre Berthon of Bentley University in Boston, and Peter Steyn of Sweden’s more »


Beedie School of Business News

Sept. 29, 2010 Simon Fraser University Public Affairs/Media Relations (PAMR) 778.782.3210 Contact: Derek Moscato, 778.782.5038; Marianne Meadahl, PAMR, 778.782.3210 KPMG wins SFU Business diversity award KPMG, one of Canada’s leading professional services firms, was recognized today with Simon Fraser University’s Nancy McKinstry award for leadership in diversity. The SFU corporate award, presented during a sold-out breakfast at the university’s Segal Graduate School of Business in Vancouver, recognizes an organization that exemplifies the values more »


Beedie School of Business News

By Jessica Fong A world-class scholar in the realm of international business visited SFU Business on September 20 to discuss the growing area of joint ventures and Canadian foreign investment. Paul Beamish, a professor of international business studies at the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, shared his insights with an at-capacity crowd at SFU’s Segal Graduate School of Business in downtown Vancouver. His lecture was part of the school’s Distinguished more »


Beedie School of Business News

On September 24, Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda was the keynote presenter at a luncheon hosted by SFU Business, the Asia–Pacific Foundation of Canada, and Heenan Blaikie Global Advisors. Below is a recap of his presentation by Jonathan Manthorpe, Asia-Pacific business reporter for the Vancouver Sun. Asia’s recovery faces huge challenges By Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun  Sepember 27, 2010 Although the developing countries of Asia have weathered the global recession well and even forestalled more »


Beedie School of Business News

September 28, 2010 The Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University is pleased to announce the launch of its Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility as part of the school’s Bachelor of Business Administration program. The undergraduate certificate, which commences this September, will encourage students within SFU Business to take business courses with a focus on ethics, social responsibility, sustainable management practices and social innovation/enterprise, and combine them with a broad variety of courses and more »


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business graduates led the way among BC’s emerging technology entrepreneurs at the 2010 BCIC Awards and BCIC-New Ventures Competition, held at SFU’s Segal Graduate School of Business on September 23. Master of Technology MBA graduate Dr. Rhonda Wideman was awarded the 2010 BC Innovation Council’s Ripples of Hope Award for Biotechnology & Entrepreneurship for her collaborative work with PROOF on a commercialization initiative in the biotechnology industry to discover, develop and commercialize biomarkers for more »


Beedie School of Business News

Counting in Qualitative Research: Why to Conduct it, When to Avoid it, and When to Closet it David R. Hannah and Brenda A. Lautsch of SFU Business discuss their recent research with the Sage Management Ink Blog. Their article — entitled “Counting in Qualitative Research: Why to Conduct it, When to Avoid it, and When to Closet it” — was recently published in the Journal of Management Inquiry‘s OnlineFirst. by Cynthia Nalevanko, Editor, Management INK Who is more »


Beedie School of Business News

In the spirit of the commencement of the National Hockey League season, SFU Business professor Lindsay Meredith recently discussed the economics of the sport with Maclean’s magazine and the Vancouver Province. According to the Province, one operation riding the coattails of the Vancouver Canucks hockey franchise is Vancouver’s city hall. SFU’s Meredith pointed out that “with the mania for hockey in Vancouver, you get city hotel business up, you get better sales in restaurants, pay more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Sept. 17, 2010. Lindsay Meredith Marketing prof Lindsay Meredith was in a Province story on the economic impact of the Vancouver Canucks NHL franchise. “You get city hotel business up, you get better sales in restaurants, pay parking—(and) all of that stuff is spinoffs the city can get their hands on through property tax.” As well: “You can understand Rogers dropping millions of dollars to get more »



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending Sept. 10, 2010. National and World News Gary Mauser, professor emeritus with SFU’s Faculty of Business Administration, had his letter to the editor regarding the long-gun registry published in The Kamloops Daily News. He cited two interesting points from a recent RCMP report about the Canadian Firearms Program. “First, the report clearly states that its primary focus is on ordinary citizens who own firearms more »


Beedie School of Business News

The September issue of Report on Business Magazine, published by the Globe and Mail, features a 2-page feature on the entrepreneurial environment that exists at SFU Business. Entitled “Where Ideas Grow,” the story includes an interview with school Dean Daniel Shapiro and Robert Adamson, Director of SFU’s Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies. As well, it includes profiles on emerging companies from the business school, such as MetroLyrics, Saltworks, Layerboom and Pacifica Partners. more »


Beedie School of Business News

Farmer rips page from corporate strategy handbook Bill Vanderkooi has applied the principles of vertical integration as he aggressively expands the family business David Ebner Abbotsford, B.C. — From Wednesday’s Globe and Mail Last updated on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010 7:06PM EDT When Bill Vanderkooi arrived home to the family farm in 1993, with a master’s degree in animal science from Michigan State University, he saw a bounty of opportunity. It was already in his blood. Mr. more »


Beedie School of Business News

Perfect grades and a perfectly nice kid By Pete McMartin, Vancouver Sun Ten years ago, when he was eight, Afraj Gill came to Canada with his family from Chandigarh, India. In the interest of brevity, since this column has only so much space, we should get right to it and catalogue what Afraj has been up to since his arrival. To begin: – He graduated from high school this year from Enver Creek secondary in more »


Beedie School of Business News

Every year, corporations establish thousands of joint ventures (JVs), investing hundreds of billions of dollars. In fact, between 25% and 40% of all foreign investments take place via equity JVs. The use of JVs and strategic alliances has been rapidly growing. JVs require an open mind, and the willingness to work through testing strategic logic; partnership and fit; shape and design; and operating the JV. Contrary to the perceptions of some, JVs can be just more »


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business is proud to host the SFU – Nancy McKinstry Awards for Leadership in Diversity at the Segal Graduate School of Business on September 29, 2010. The awards recognize those who have shown exemplary leadership in advancing the cause of diversity in business.  Last year tickets for this inspirational breakfast sold out in only two weeks, so be sure to reserve yours today. A corporate award will be presented to an organization that exemplifies more »


Beedie School of Business News

New classroom-inspired research focused on organizational reshuffling from the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University is garnering significant international attention, thanks to its publication in the August edition of the Wall Street Journal’s Executive Adviser. Gervase Bushe, the lead researcher and a professor of leadership and organizational development at SFU Business (pictured right), looked at how to enable the success of “fluid teams” – those workplace teams that are subject to a higher more »


Beedie School of Business News

By Peter M. Tingling and Michael J. Brydon Many managers think they’ve committed their organizations to evidence-based decision making — but have instead, without realizing it, committed to decision-based evidence making. Is that all bad? What can be done to fix it? In recent years, much has been written about evidence-based- or fact-based- decision making. The core idea is that decisions supported by hard facts and sound analysis are likely to be better than decisions made more »


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business is pleased to host this year’s Courage to Soar 2010 Conference, a national event from August 13 to 18 that brings young leaders from across the country to Vancouver to engage with other leaders. Youth in Motion’s 4th Annual Courage to Soar Leadership Conference — sponsored by Freedom 55 Financial and hosted by Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Business Administration — is a dynamic leadership development opportunity available only to Top 20 Under 20 more »


Beedie School of Business News

It’s possible to run a profitable business in Second Life, a 3-D virtual world where users can socialize with each other through avatars. That’s the conclusion of a Simon Fraser University case study. SFU business professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent, and PhD students Anjali Bal (SFU Business) and Wade Halvorson (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) have won an award from the Academy of Marketing for their investigation of Second Life’s business and marketing practices. more »