SFU Beedie takes home first place in 2022 BC MBA Games

Dec 12, 2022

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SFU Beedie team at the 2022 BC MBA Games. Photo credit: BC MBA Games, UBC Sauder School of Business

A team of SFU Beedie MBA students celebrated a big win after taking home first place in this year’s BC MBA Games, hosted at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business from October 28 to 30.

The BC MBA games, launched in 2015, is an annual competition held every October in British Columbia. With approximately 125 participants from business schools across the province, it is the largest gathering of MBA students in Canada.

“This has been one of the highlights of my MBA experience so far,” says Lily Zeng, a member of the take-home case team, which won first place at the competition. “Our team’s personalities, strengths, and skillsets perfectly balanced each other to form an effective team. We also had our coaches and advisors, Arjun Batta and Lesley McKay, backing us up. Their endless support set a solid foundation for our success.”

The event takes place over three days, and SFU Beedie students from across MBA programs are selected to compete in academic, sports, and spirit competitions against top business schools across the province.

Students compete in case competitions that are evaluated by a pre-selected panel of judges, typically professors and industry professionals. Each school comprises teams of no more than four students per case to compete in case competitions covering different areas of business. Past case theme examples include finance, strategy, marketing, operations, sustainability, and technology.

The athletic portion of the games consists of four co-ed sports chosen by the host school and have included basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, curling, soccer, water polo, and more. Teams are also judged on and score points in spirit events throughout the weekend designed to promote and encourage teamwork, enthusiasm, camaraderie, and school spirit. Past spirit events have included opening ceremonies team dances, scavenger hunts, charity fundraising, mystery events, and more.

Hansel Wu, part-time MBA student and team captain, served as the liaison with the organizing committee to bring the team together.

“So proud of this team for coming together and showcasing sportsmanship and camaraderie along the way in true SFU Beedie style,” says Lesley McKay, associate director of co-curricular programming. “Congratulations to the team at SFU Beedie and all participating business schools. It’s incredible to see awesome students doing awesome things outside of class.”

SFU Beedie’s results in the 2022 BC MBA Games are as follows:

Live Case Team: First place
Karen Sandhu, Paola Pilaspiloas, Sharina Bansal, and Yumeng Wang represented SFU Beedie’s Management of Technology MBA program with a presentation to PARx Solutions.

Take-home Case Team: First place
Bryan Shi, Morrie Fadaee, Lily Zeng, and Neha Rai represented the full-time MBA program with recommendations to case sponsor LNG Canada.

Overall Academics: First place

Mystery Event – Spirit Team: First place
Hang Zhou, Sreekutty Kurup, Mallesh Magdum, Liz Yip, Shreyas Shenoy, and Shayan Parvez

Fundraising: Second place
SFU Beedie raised $3,140 for charity partner Canadian Mental Health Association.

Overall Team Spirit: Second place

Overall Athletics: Fourth place

Samuel Wilson, Hansel Wu, Laura Moran, Jeewake Chamara Peiris, AJ Conway, Claudia Lau, Kiya Kharbanda, Karsha Phulwani, Cornelius Poon, Zach Mok

SFU Beedie will be hosting next year’s BC MBA Games in October 2023 at our downtown Vancouver campus.

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