SIAS presentation at Beedie

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On February 17th, the 2016 MSc Finance cohort held its first SIAS presentation at Beedie’s Segal building in the heart of Vancouver downtown.
The fund results release always follow the same scope: A few members of the SIAS fund get in front of a experienced professionals panel to present and defend the fund’s performance and investment choices observed by an audience formed by finance professionals and students.
For this presentation, the panel was formed by Anna Liu, member of SFU’s Treasury, Milton Tosto, Portfolio Manager at HSBC Global Asset Management and Michael Murphy, partner with Scepter for over 20 years and private investor. The fund’s performance and attribution were displayed by Amelia (Lei) Zhang, US Equity analyst, Earendil Gutierrez, Global Equity analyst, Julia Ferreira, Canadian Equity Portfolio Manager, and Tim Dinger, SIAS’ Chief Investment Officer.
It was an exciting event and the panel did not hold back, confronting the presenters with difficult technical question from beginning to end. After the event, there was a small reception with food and beverages to welcome networking opportunities.
Check out some pictures from the event below:

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