Inspiring Books

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Lean In
by: Sheryl Sandberg
In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women’s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, common sense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential.

Women Don’t Ask: The High Costs of Avoiding Negotiation –and Positive Strategies for Change
by: Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
Combining fascinating research with revealing commentary from hundreds of women, this groundbreaking book explores the personal and societal reasons women seldom ask for what they need, want, and deserve at home and at work-and shows how they can develop this crucial skill.

The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much?
by: Leslie Bennetts
Women are constantly being told that it”s simply too difficult to balance work and family, so if they don”t really “have to” work, it”s better for their families if they stay home. Not only is this untrue, Leslie Bennetts says, but the arguments in favor of stay-at-home motherhood fail to consider the surprising benefits of work and the unexpected toll of giving it up. It”s time, she says, to get the message across–combining work and family really is the best choice for most women, and it”s eminently doable.

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