Octavia Yung: Having An Open Mind Could Take You Places

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oct_picName: Octavia Yung

Graduated: 2009 MBA – Management of Technology

Current Job: Technology Consultant at E-Comm 911

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/octaviay

Where are you currently working and what path did you take to get there?

Currently, I am a Technology Consultant at E-Comm 911. Shortly after I graduated from the MOT Program,a colleague and friend recruited me to be a contract Business Analyst where I had the opportunity to combine my technical and newly acquired business skills. I returned briefly as a full-time employee last year at Vision Critical, but have since re-started my consulting business and love the variety and flexibility that comes with self-employment.

What is the most valuable skill you learned during your time in the MBA program?

Communication is a key skill. You need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and effectively with clients and staff within all levels of an organization.

Who / what inspires you the most?

My Mother is my inspiration. She is fiercely independent, resilient and wise. My Mom is always the first to speak the truth when no one wants to hear it.

Did you have your aha moment to start a company when you were in school or after graduating?

Actually, I didn’t give much thought to starting a business. My Dad was a restauranteur so I’ve always resisted the idea of being in the same industry. Oddly enough, I fell into taking the MOT MBA and really enjoyed the Program. At the time, I was working for a local start-up and really wanted to take what I learnt in the classroom into the real world. It was also by chance that upon graduation, a former colleague/friend recruited me to take on a contract as a Technology Consultant.

It’s funny how things come full circle.

What skills does one need to succeed in a leadership role?

One needs to be authentic and collaborative. Success comes when a leader is able to draw upon the strengths of each team member and listens to the team.

What is your most memorable moment from your MBA?

For our Project Management course, our Team organized a Charity Poker Tournament at SFU and helped raise funds for BC Children’s Hospital. It was a great way for us to put our Project Management skills to work and give back to the local community.

What do you believe are the most important skills one needs as they enter the workforce?

Curiosity. I believe if you keep an open mind, it can take you to places that you’ve never imagined.
