

Jack Austin Centre hosts Asian Development Bank

Oct 15, 2014

The established world standard for indicating extreme poverty – currently measured as income or expenditure of $1.25 a day per person – does not fully capture the extent of Asian poverty levels, and should be adjusted to include additional factors.


President’s Dream Colloquium: Jonathan Lewis defines Social Entrepreneurship

Mar 14, 2014

Social entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a hot topic in business circles these days – indeed, the Beedie School of Business has a social innovation laboratory and venture incubator, RADIUS, dedicated to the subject. So what exactly is social entrepreneurship?


Beedie hosts Inequality, Institutions and Organizations Conference

Jun 11, 2013

The Beedie School of Business brought together some of the world’s leading experts on social inequality to share research and engage in meaningful discussion on how organizations and institutions contribute to or mitigate inequality at the Inequality, Institutions and Organizations Conference. With social inequality remaining a profound issue for both developing and developed societies, the conference sought to further explore the increasing problem of inequality growing in developed countries in conjunction with the growing power […]
