
Todd Green

2012 TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award winners announced

Aug 31, 2012

Professor Sudheer Gupta and recent PhD recipient Todd Green have been announced as the winners of this year’s TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award. The prestigious award is the highest teaching honour of its kind in SFU’s Beedie School of Business. Since 1990, Beedie School of Business students, faculty and alumni have nominated teachers from both undergraduate and postgraduate programs for the award. The nominations are then scrutinized by the Teaching Effectiveness Committee, who select […]


Undergrads help market a sustainable SFU campus

May 1, 2012

A group of Beedie School of Business undergraduate students have been using SustainableSFU as a model to develop their business plan writing skills – and planning a more sustainable campus in the process. In his class focused on ethics in marketing, Beedie School of Business PhD student and lecturer Todd Green set for his students the task of drafting marketing plans based on a real-life, non-profit organization that operates on SFU’s Burnaby campus. After the […]
