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Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies

“One Belt, One Road” Initiative in China

The “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative is one of the highest portfolio economic strategies in China. Different from other strategies so far, OBOR is the first inter-continental economic cooperation strategy proposed by China aiming at enhancing financial integration, trade liberalization, and people-to-people connectivity in east hemisphere. Recent participation of the European countries in the China proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank injects more hopes on OBOR. OBOR initiative, if successfully implemented, will generate abundant business opportunities and change the landscape of the economic geography. As a government consultant, Dr. Bo Chen will share his viewpoints and analyses on the background, opportunities, as well as challenges of OBOR.

Dr. Bo Chen is a Professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and a research associate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Dr. Chen also serves as the government consultant for many high portfolio reform initiatives such as “Free Trade Zone” and “One Belt One Road”. His opinions about China’s economy appear in various mainstream media such as CCTV, BBC, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal. Dr. Chen has also given speech and consultations to many leading business groups and think tanks such as the Goldman Sacks Group, HSBC, the Asian Society, and the Rhodium Group.