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Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies

China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: A Milestone in China's Economics Reform


Bo Chen Abstract: On September 29th, 2013 China launched its first ever “Free Trade Zone” in Shanghai. In the zone a series of ambitious reforms measures are going to be experimented which include not only trade facilitation, but also government administration mode reform, negative list and citizen treatment to foreign investors, financial liberalization and greater openness in service sector. And China’s President and Premier have emphasized repeatedly that the reform measures, if successful, will be replicated to everywhere in China. Thus Shanghai FTZ has been a unique vane on China’s new round economic reform and the focus to both China and Foreign investors.In this talk, Dr. Bo Chen, who is serving as a senior consultant of the Shanghai FTZ, is going to provide his views on the following questions: what does Shanghai FTZ mean to China and the rest of the world? What is its background? How well has the reform been implemented since its launch? What will be the reform measures in the Zone and elsewhere in China next?


Monday, May 26, 2014


10:30am – 12:00pm Presentation & QA


Segal Graduate School 500 Granville Street, Vancouver Room 2800 (2nd floor)




Updated May 23, 2014 - Registration is now closed. If space permits, we will accept walk-ins at the door.


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Bio_Photo_BoChen Professor Bo Chen received his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) in 2008. Besides his current appointment in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE), Dr. Chen is also a research associate of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (U.S.A.), and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). Since June 2013, Dr. Chen has served as the executive director of the Research Centre on Free Trade Zone and participated in the consultation for the establishment of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Trial Zone. His opinions and viewpoints about China’s economy policies appear in various mainstream media such as BBC, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, etc. He has also been invited to give talks to HSBC, the Deutsche Bank, Bank of America as well as the Ministry of Treasury, the Ministry of Commerce, the Embassy/Consular of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Singapore, and Belgium.