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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Sharlene Kumar


Staff Accountant in Audit and Assurance, BDO

“I appreciated how integrated the BBA program was right from the start. Transferring from a smaller university, I had a preconceived notion that going to SFU meant I would be a small fish in a big pond. But Beedie immediately felt like a community. It was nice to see familiar faces everywhere and connect with people who had the same ideas and similar career goals.”

Mentorship and networking opportunities gave Sharlene Kumar the interpersonal skills critical to building relationships in business. Through SFU Beedie, she connected with the people, knowledge and resources needed to launch the career in accounting she’d always wanted.

My experience at SFU Beedie

When you transfer to SFU Beedie, you’re obliged to take a course focused on teamwork and working collaboratively. You spend your time managing a product and at the end of the semester, my team won a trophy. I remember feeling it was such a great start to the program—that I’d already accomplished something and knew I had made the right choice to transfer.

The program provides a broad base of business and technical skills for anyone interested in pursuing a business degree. The courses I took with my degree gave me a framework that I used during my co-op experience and in my career today.

My Journey

I was drawn to SFU Beedie because I wanted to feel challenged and for the networking opportunities. I knew Beedie would offer me more opportunities to step out into the real world during and after my degree.

I always knew I wanted to get my CPA designation, and my exposure to accounting solidified for me that the most efficient way to do that would be through public practice. The BBA program helped me understand right away that I was on the right path and that accounting was what I wanted to do.


The most valuable parts of my BBA degree were the networking opportunities and mentorship I received.

I was primarily involved with two clubs early in my time at SFU Beedie—the Accounting Student Association (ASA) and Business Administration Student Society (BASS). I attended lots of events hosted or facilitated by the clubs, and I was a project manager for a big recruiting event. Being a part of SFU Beedie clubs introduced me to networking, and attending events really helped me further my interests. Meeting new people and putting myself out there helped me develop my strengths in managing interpersonal relationships.

As part of the Mentors in Business program, they pair you with a professional who is there to help you further develop your career goals, someone who is actually in industry and invested in your success. Learning from professionals and building your network while you're still learning and nurturing the seedlings of your career is incredibly beneficial.

Where I am today

At the end of my co-op term, BDO offered me a full-time job to start when I finished my degree. I am currently an Intermediate Staff Accountant, Audit and Assurance.