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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Enoch Weng


BBA Alumnus

“A lot of students don’t follow a traditional path through university, and that’s ok.”

“Twists and turns” have led Enoch to be a four-time BASS LAUNCH leader, to play music in multiple bands, to take a year off from school after failing two terms, and to come back to win the Business Administration Student Society’s (BASS) Student Impact Award.

My experience at SFU Beedie

Try as many new experiences as you can and explore opportunities outside your comfort zone. You’ll learn a lot about the world and about yourself.

My Journey

My first two years at SFU Beedie were fairly typical. I was unsure about my concentration and explored the areas of Accounting, Human Resources, and Management Information Systems before finally focusing on Finance. I was also involved in student clubs and university activities and despite dealing with the challenges that come with having ADHD and Tourette Syndrome, I was building my education and future career path.

This all changed when my younger brother was diagnosed with cancer. Once I found out, my focus shifted to caring for my brother and I that's when I started failing courses so I decided to take time off from school.

After a year, I returned to SFU Beedie and the strength of the SFU community really helped me thrive. I took on roles in AIESEC and became the President of the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) with the goal of creating an even safer and more caring environment for students at SFU. Aside from that, I was a BASS LAUNCH leader and BASS mentor and still remain close to my mentees to this day. For new students, I would tell them to not be afraid of failure. Don't be afraid to ask. The people around you might seem like they know exactly what they're doing, but they might just be putting on a brave face too.

My BBA major comprised of:



Student Engagement

Simon Fraser Student Society President

BASS Mentor


Co-op student

AIESEC Canada National Finance Team Auditor and Coach

AIESEC SFU Executive

Where I am today

I am a Financial Security Advisor at Freedom 55.