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Centre for Global Workforce Strategy

Brown Bag Research Discussion – When the feeling is right: The role of affect in mothers’ return to work decisions


Abstract: Women represent half of the population, however, they are still underrepresented in leadership positions and overrepresented in part-time and precarious employment. One reason for this pertaining inequality is the need for women to decide if and how to continue their career once they (plan to) start a family as they still hold the main responsibility for childcare in the majority of countries. In this project, we focus on women’s decision-making regarding the timing and conditions of their return to work after the first child was born as this is one important factor determining their future career development. More specifically, building on affective events theory and appraisal theory, we aim to analyze which factors shape women’s affect toward their return and how their affect eventually influences their decision-making.

Bio: Dr. Anna Katharina Bader is Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management and Asian Business at the University of Goettingen, Germany. Katharina’s research focusses on the effects of individual differences in organizations, in particular cultural and gender differences, and her special interest lies in international and comparative studies. She has lived and worked in several countries including India and Japan. Her studies have been published in international, peer-reviewed journals and she has received several awards for her work. Before her academic career, she gained experience in the private sector where she worked as a leadership development manager and a trainer.

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For inquiries, email Centre Director Mila Lazarova