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Centre for Global Workforce Strategy

Managing HR in a Post Pandemic World


Watch the online recording.

Event Date: Thu, June 18, 2020
Event Time:
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM PDT
Zoom links to be sent to participants 24 hours before the event.

COVID-19 has reshaped the business landscape globally. While there remains a considerable distance to go before societies globally can claim to have exited the current crisis, organizations must begin to chart their strategy for managing through and post the crisis. Emerging research shows the key role that HR leaders are playing in organizations’ response to the current crisis. In this session I consider some of the key lessons from leading global organizations and signpost the key issues which organizational and people leaders must consider in managing through crisis and enabling their organizations for the new normal post COVID. Key topics will include decision making without data or precedent, returning to first principles, reframing HR from new baselines, and keeping a watchful eye on diversity.

Speaker Bio:

David Collings is Professor of HRM at Dublin City University Business School in Ireland where he is co-director of the Leadership and Talent Institute. He was due to be James M. Flaherty Visiting Professor at the Beedie School at Simon Fraser University this summer but his visit has been postponed owing to current circumstances. Prior to joining DCU, he held faculty positions at the University of Sheffield, and the National University of Ireland, Galway. He has been a visiting Fulbright Scholar at Cornell University and has also held visiting positions at King’s College London and Nanyang Business School in Singapore.

He is a leading international expert on the future of work with a particularly focus on talent management and global mobility. His work focuses on how organisations can develop more strategic approaches to managing talent and delivering sustainable performance. He is a regular speaker at corporate events and his recent speaking and consulting engagements include organisations such as the Abbott, Abbvie, the Danish Confederation of Industry, EADS Airbus, GE, Medtronic, Novartis and Stryker. He has been named as one of the most influential thinkers in the field of HR on four occasions by HR Magazine. He has published numerous papers in leading international outlets including Harvard Business, and eleven books and his work is regularly cited in media and other outlets.

Twitter @collingsdg