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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Maitree Lonare

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA and what drew you to the SFU Beedie School of Business?

Having worked in the brand communication industry, I have witnessed the impact of socially and environmentally relevant campaigns on businesses. With around four years of professional experience, I felt it was the right time to enter into a bigger sphere of the business world, where I could contribute towards nurturing a generation of socially conscious leaders and brands that are responsive towards the needs of our community and environment. Beedie’s efficiently designed one-year MBA program and values strongly resonated with me. I was certain that Beedie would equip me with the required business acuity and prepare me to be the socially responsible leader that I aim to be.

What has been your favourite moment or experience at Beedie so far? What are you looking forward to?

It would be difficult to pick one moment or experience that I have garnered so far at Beedie as they all have been so exceptional. However, I truly enjoy the welcoming and supportive environment that Beedie has to offer. Our extremely diverse and talented cohort enhances the learning experience as well as introduces us to a newer and broader perspective. This can further be experienced in interactions across different cohorts. Finally, the interaction and learnings from the case competition program has helped me to hone on my communication and presentation skills as well as prepared me for the real business world. I look forward to be a part of the MBA games and employ my learnings from an enormously valuable and enriching training program.

How would you describe SFU Beedie’s culture?

Vancouver is one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse cities in Canada. The same can be experienced at Beedie. With its compact yet culturally diverse cohort, Beedie truly embodies the essence of global learning. In addition, the privilege of being under the tutelage of academic scholars and industry veterans enhances the learning experience as the professors act more like facilitators than instructors. Finally, the co-curricular activities further these values and helps to build on a global network while keeping the bigger vision in perspective of marrying business and humanity in the professional world.