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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Alex Mitchell


Hill + Knowlton Strategies

Account Driector

“I was looking to challenge myself and grow as a professional. I wanted to be around other young leaders who were asking themselves similar questions and who were committed to the learning and personal exploration that an intensive program would provide.”

A gifted communicator, Alex Mitchell has a decade's worth of experience strategizing and connecting people to solve complex problems. Looking to challenge herself and grow professionally, it was the generative learning space with a like-minded cohort that drew Alex to SFU Beedie's Part Time Master of Business Administration (PT MBA) Program.

My Journey

"My career path is one that has been centred in continuous learning and personal and professional development as a way to hone in on what I'm most passionate about. Prior to joining the PT MBA program, my career took me abroad to work on international climate change work based in India. It solidified a commitment to applying a global, systems-lens to all of my work- even the work that I would ultimately do at the community level."

"Upon completing my undergraduate degree in political science, I had the opportunity to help establish an economic development function in my hometown at the City of Abbotsford. Here, I had the opportunity to work with leading businesses from agriculture to aerospace, supporting their growth and expansion in the community. From there, I worked on clean technology and economic development for the City of Surrey. It was around that time that I began to wonder, what comes next? How can I grow myself as a professional and potentially pivot into a new type of work? That was when I enrolled in the PT MBA program at SFU Beedie."

My Experience

"From day one, I was inspired by my cohort of fellow students. One of the things that I appreciated about the program was that we were able to learn from each other. The courses were led by talented instructors—but pairing that with the richness of experience offered by my cohort was really valuable. We had someone who was a senior public health leader whose insights I still refer to, particularly after the last 2 years of the pandemic. From CFOs, to artists, and public sector leaders, the cohort regularly shared experiences and stories which continued to enrich our learning. There were a lot of intersections between what people were doing in their business careers and the actual subject matter that we were studying. Ultimately the PT MBA was a valuable educational experience across sectors."


"My favourite course was Shawn Smith's design thinking workshop. I frequently use those design thinking principles in the work that I do—especially creative work. It taught me to prioritize deep understanding of the people/client we wish to serve by first empathizing with their experience before trying to improve it. On any new project I’ll ask myself questions like: How are we centering human beings and our audiences in the projects we're developing? What if we did it differently? Most importantly, Shawn’s course reminded all of us to centre diverse perspectives and experiences in our work to avoid re-entrenching biases and barriers."

"The other course that impacted me was the mini course on Indigenous business. We had the chance to visit the Kanaka Bar Indian Band to learn from Chief Patrick Mitchell. Here he showed us the renewable energy projects that were being implemented there. This course built awareness across our cohort of the need to engage meaningfully with Indigenous Peoples to build trusted relationships as the foundation for any future business venture."

"Given my background working on climate change and sustainability projects, alongside economic development, seeing these energy projects up close was of tremendous value. Our cohort was able to better understand what it means to build those trusted relationships and develop social license to operate with Indigenous partners. To see this perspective embedded in the program is really important. I believe that if you want to work in British Columbia, you need to be aware of how you and your organization are advancing reconciliation."

Where I am Today

"After I graduated with a degree in political science, I went back to the City of Abbotsford to manage public relations and intergovernmental affairs, allowing me to re-invest in my community. I now work in the private sector for a terrific leading agency, Hill + Knowlton Strategies, as an account director. Here I do integrated work between public relations and public affairs, managing and executing communications strategies, supporting advocacy with various levels of government, crisis communications, and multi-stakeholder engagement work for clients across Canada in both the public and private sectors. The learnings along the way, particularly through the PT MBA at SFU Beedie have allowed me to continue to grow. I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to participate in a master’s program in my own backyard, especially as I continue to call the Fraser Valley home."