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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Filip Machat



Senior Product Manager

“In my career, I’ve never been content to stand still—I’ve always sought to do more, to do something different. I felt that an MBA would be one of the ways in which I could continue to support myself in that mission to continue to do better every day.”

Previously a senior program manager at Amazon, Filip Machat was eager to take on new challenges. He decided to pursue an MBA to enhance his skills and support his mission of constant growth. The flexibility of SFU Beedie’s Management of Technology (MOT) MBA program, along with the tech-focused aspect and strong sense of community, drew him to SFU Beedie.

Throughout the program, Filip honed his skills and gained valuable knowledge in various areas, such as finance, strategy, accounting, and operations. Despite the demanding workload, he was able to navigate his degree while learning to manage time effectively and juggle working and family life.

My journey

Filip saw the MBA as a pathway to continual self-improvement and a means to explore new opportunities beyond his current accomplishments. While he was considering various MBA programs, he was drawn to SFU Beedie.

“What I liked about SFU Beedie’s MOT MBA program was that it offered the flexibility I needed as a working professional with a family,” says Filip. “And also that the program offered the technology aspect. I was also attracted to the Beedie community—I’d done some work with SFU and I got to know some of the people in the business program at SFU Beedie, and I got a good vibe from them.”

My experience at SFU Beedie

The program proved instrumental in refining Filip’s abilities and even helping him to develop new skill sets. Formal training in technical business knowledge gave him the foundations to build upon in his work and professional growth.

“The MBA crystallized a bunch of skills that I had been picking up organically on the job and helped me polish those skills and make me better at what I do. Taking formal courses on topics such as finance, strategy, and accounting operations definitely helped me add new tools to my toolkit.”

Juggling the MBA workload alongside his full-time job and family life was undoubtedly challenging, but Filip persevered.

“There were times throughout the program where the workload was high and my workload at work was high too,” he says. “The MBA was a good test of my ability to manage my time as well as prioritize my tasks. I had to learn how to pick my battles and decided what I really wanted to work on each day."


The part-time nature of the MBA program was a crucial advantage for Filip. As the primary income earner for his household, he needed the flexibility to continue working while pursuing his degree. The ability to work and study at the same time allowed him to choose the MBA, which opened up many new avenues for Filip.

Where I am today

Filip is currently a senior product manager at Microsoft.

“What excites me most about my career and life now that I’ve completed my MBA is just that there’s so much choice,” says Filip. “I don’t even know what to do next. There are so many things I want to do with my life. And I feel like I’ve got a lot of freedom to choose what comes next.

“If you’re thinking about doing your MBA and on the fence, the sooner you do it, the more time you have to benefit from it for the rest of your life and career. So I would encourage anyone who’s leaning towards doing it to for it it sooner rather than later.”