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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Jini Han


Director, Equipment and Technology Planning at PHSA BC Cancer
The MOT MBA filled the gaps in my skillset and gave me the confidence to feel comfortable speaking publically and facilitating large meetings.

My Journey

I came to Canada at 16, by myself, as an international student from Korea. I wanted to experience a different culture and learn English at a young age. My interest has always been in technology, so after high school, I attended the Biomedical Engineering Technology program at BCIT. Upon completion, I got a job as an equipment coordinator with Fraser Health, which meant I was involved in equipment planning for major hospital projects. I eventually became the Equipment Planning Manager for the BC Children's and Women's hospital project.

It was around then that it became apparent that, although my technical background was strong, there was a gap on the business side. I realized that I needed more exposure to business training to become a well-rounded leader, which would naturally put me on a better career progression. When I started looking around, given my interest in technology, SFU Beedie's Management of Technology (MOT) MBA stood out – it seemed like a perfect fit for my educational background and professional experience.

My Experience at SFU Beedie

I could tell from the beginning that it's a very well-thought-out program. For example, the program starts with the leadership class, where they set the tone and let you know what the program is about. The first article we read was In Praise of the Incomplete Leader, which painted a clear picture of how leadership in today's workplace has evolved and how to build your leadership qualities. It's about being empathetic, recognizing your weaknesses, your team's strengths, and fostering trust and optimism within your team - that's how you become a good leader.

Also, there's something special about sharing the learning experience with a talented cohort for a couple of years. It definitely is another perk, building relationships with people who are on the same journey as you are.


In addition to broadening my knowledge base, one specific area I wanted to work on is being comfortable with delivering presentations. One of the reasons I chose this program was because I had heard students get a lot of practice with public speaking and presentations, which I wanted to develop. It had a huge impact on how I prepare for and deliver presentations after going through so many of them during the program. I'm now at a point where I'm much more comfortable speaking to large groups of people and facilitating meetings.

Where I am today

The MOT MBA absolutely accelerated my career. Having it, along with my technical background, helped me to stay on track in terms of my career goals and progression. The program provided me with the necessary tools to be confident and comfortable when taking on new challenges. Plus, it's an experience you have in common with senior leadership and colleagues, which helped me foster closer relationships with them and helped my career.

The comprehensive simulations provided the greatest learning for me. They helped change my mindset and connect the different areas of learning into a comprehensive view of how an organization runs.

Matthew Grunert, MOT MBA

Sr. Director, Digital Operations & IT

Motorola Solutions

I believed this would give me the confidence to take on more senior positions. I also liked that the MOT had a technology focus.

Jonny Van Dyck, MOT MBA

Operations Manager

Technology Brewing Corporation

MOT MBA: Matthew Grunnert

MOT MBA: Jonny

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